RESOLVE, The National Infertility Association with Barbara Collura, President and CEO

With advocacy day around the corner, and all but West Virginia (we need you West Virgina) represented, it seem like a perfect time to discuss advocacy with Barbara Collura president and CEO of RESOLVE, The National Infertility Association.Hear about:

  • Resolve, the impact of grassroots advocacy.

  • Going from consumer, to volunteer, to CEO to testify before Congress

  • What advocacy really is

  • What it takes to create change

  • What advocacy really is, and the impact it can have in others, policy and the advocate, (think empowerment)

Barbara Collura CEO of The National Fertility Association


Disparities in fertility treatment with Dr. Tia Jackson-Bey, Reproductive Endocrinologist


Resolve’s Federal Advocacy Day (AD) with Jesse Fiest, AD Committee Co-Chair