Notes From Clients

I am grateful to all those I have worked with and allowed me into their lives.
The following are a few special notes

Hi. Lori, Happy Thanksgiving! I am very grateful to have found you this year and want you to know that you’ve had a tremendous impact on my thinking and my life. I am truly thankful for what you’ve taught me, and we’re only just getting started….
Dear Lori: Thank you for helping us through this time….all the medical information becomes overwhelming …….being able to all talk together ….. (helps us) remain hopeful.
Thank you Lori………… a tremendous amount of pressure (is) off of me and was 100% because of your encouragement. I already feel relieved. there are no words that can thank you for always being there for us…….Plain and simple, we love you Lori……..Thank you for your constant support. xx
Hi Lori. Thank you for talking with us …….understanding all we’ve gone through to make this decision. …..(he) was happy to have met you and felt better when we left. thank you Lori. See you next week.
Thanks!!… I still can’t believe I started a perfect job and I’m moving into a great apt …. I just want to thank you Lori for helping me get my life in order. I am at such a different place than I was a year ago and I have you to thank….I hope you have a fantastic weekend….!
Hi Lori, I just wanted to write you as we are on our way to ….. graduation. We can’t thank you enough for helping us to get to this point. I’m not sure we would have made it without you…….Love,
Thanks again for the chat this morning to put things in perspective and to see the positive. ……….my boss complimented me …. and wrote back “You are amazing. Thanks” I think I’ll sleep better tonight. With many thanks as always,
Thank you Lori. You are the best. I stop and breath and let things fall into place. I’m happy with the changes I’ve made and the confidence I had to do it!
Dear Lori, I wanted to let you know that I feel grounded and …………..I also feel that you taught me a lot and helped me to grow as an individual and a professional. What I have learned from you is something that will stay with me for a lifetime. I truly am grateful to have met you and have had the opportunity to get some great advice. You will always remain in my memory and if I feel that I need to speak with someone in the future I’d love for it too be with you. Thank you Lori.