The Male Factor, Male Infertility—Part 2 with Dr. Lowell Ku, MD, Reproductive Endocrinologist

Part 2 of the Male Factor, Male Infertility with Dr. Lowell Ku, MD, board certitude in Reproductive Endocrinology and OBGY, senior physician at Dallas IVF, active member of numerous organizations including & ASSRM. In this podcast we continue the conversation about the male infertility factor sharing information and suggestion that could assist in the journey.Hear about:

  • Current research and findings

  • The emotional, physical impact, and the toll it can take

  • The significance of support, recognizing the need, reaching out

Dr. Lowell Ku Reproductive Endocrinologist


RMA Fertility Forward - Normalizing Third-Party Reproduction and Adoption


Disparities in fertility treatment with Dr. Tia Jackson-Bey, Reproductive Endocrinologist