What Makes A Family with Susan Golombok, author of "We Are Family, the Modern Transformation of Parents and Children"

What Makes A Family with Susan Golombok, author of "We Are Family, the Modern Transformation of Parents and Children"

What research and data reveals about families with children born through donor egg, donor sperm, embryo, surrogacy, gay, lesbian and transgender parents.The longitudinal findings on explaining to the child about how they were conceived.The impact and significance of engaging extended family, community and laws to educated and gain understanding of the Modern Transformation of Parents and Children.

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ABC's of Creating an Embryo In the Lab, with Carol Lynn Curchoe, PhD, Reproductive Physiologist, Embryologist

ABC's of Creating an Embryo In the Lab, with Carol Lynn Curchoe, PhD, Reproductive Physiologist, Embryologist

What happens when the sperm and egg enter the lab for fertilization to occur until an embryo is created. Learn about each phase of the intended parents 3-5 day wait, and current and upcoming cutting edge science to create an embryo and who and what "wanda" really does.

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