Bringing you insight and experiences into love, relationships and fertility, with a focus on enjoying life and moving forward.

Integrative healthcare, conventional and holistic medicine to optimize your health with Dr. Anna Barbieri, MD, OBGYN
Integrative healthcare, conventional and holistic medicine to optimize your health with Dr. Anna Barbieri, MD, OBGYN. Founder of TaraMD, an integrative gynecology practice, Assistant Clinical Professor OBGYN Reproductive Medicine Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC.

Donor conception and the impact with Dr. Lauren Berman, PHD, Founder of Fertility Psychology Center of Atlanta
Donor conception, the impact emotionally, and more with Dr. Lauren Berman, PHD, Founder of Fertility Psychology Center of Atlanta, American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), Chair of the Mental Health Professional GroupHear About:Donor conception, the evolution in philosophies and it’s subsequent effect on an emotional journey for the intended parent and child. The impact of using a known family member or known donor and preparing for the relationship physically, emotionally, financially, & legally prior to the child’s arrival.

The COVID-19 Vaccine and Fertility with Dr. Serena Chen, MD, Director for the Division of Reproductive Medicine at IRMS
COVID-19 vaccination and fertility, the differences in vaccines and how they work, what mRNA messenger Ribonucleic Acid is verses the new vaccinations coming out with a live virus, the significance of accessing up to medical recommendations from ASRM (https://www.asrm.org/news-and-publications/covid-19/) and other recognized sites, a tool form from U Mass Decision tool at I'm pregnant. Should I get the COVID vaccine? to evaluate if this the vaccine is right for you, UCSF's ASPIRE: Assessing the Safety of Pregnancy In the CoRonavirus PandEmic study. A nationwide prospective cohort study of pregnant women and their offspring during the COVID-19 pandemic that you can enroll in.

What Makes A Family with Susan Golombok, author of "We Are Family, the Modern Transformation of Parents and Children"
What research and data reveals about families with children born through donor egg, donor sperm, embryo, surrogacy, gay, lesbian and transgender parents.The longitudinal findings on explaining to the child about how they were conceived.The impact and significance of engaging extended family, community and laws to educated and gain understanding of the Modern Transformation of Parents and Children.

Miscarriage; Three Women Share Their Journey
The impact miscarriage has had on three different women, the feelings experienced after a miscarriage, and if the word can be less taboo of a topic.

Miscarriage, with Dr. Lora Shahine, MD, FACOG, Reproductive Endocrinologist, & Author of Not Broken
The frequency of miscarriage, recurrent pregnancy loss, the impact of self advocacy, emotional support, recurrent pregnancy loss and ways to investigate.

Happy Together Children’s Books with Julie Marie
Hear about:How Julie’s path to parenthood lead her to write the Happy Together books. How she has pursued her passion and the impact she has had on the family building community. @happytogetherchildrensbooks

ABC's of Creating an Embryo In the Lab, with Carol Lynn Curchoe, PhD, Reproductive Physiologist, Embryologist
What happens when the sperm and egg enter the lab for fertilization to occur until an embryo is created. Learn about each phase of the intended parents 3-5 day wait, and current and upcoming cutting edge science to create an embryo and who and what "wanda" really does.

Epigenetics and Parenting Through Third-Party Reproduction with Lisa Schuman, LCSW, Director of The Center for Family Building
Third-party reproduction, the impact of epigenetics, helping children understand their birth story and Lisa's "My Lifebook" to help parents document the child's unique story.

The Jewish Philosophy On Fertility Treatments with Rabbi Elan Segelman , Rabbinic Advisor for PUAH In America
How PAUH was developed in response to fertility practices to provide knowledge, education, counseling and support for the greater Jewish community, including navigating third party reproduction and living an observant life.