Live Workshops
Workshops provide an opportunity to connect with others on similar paths, fostering support, empowerment, shared knowledge, and hope.
Trying to Conceive Workshop – Support for Your Fertility Journey
A fertility journey brings a range of emotions, from joy and optimism to feeling overwhelmed, isolated, or confused. It can reshape daily life, becoming a constant focus that sometimes feels all-consuming.
This workshop offers a space to assess the impact of your journey while connecting with others who understand. Through shared experiences and expert guidance, we’ll explore the bio-psycho-social aspects of fertility—from diagnosis to delivery—helping you find strength, support, and clarity along the way.
This workshop assists attendees in understanding the impact their fertility journey is having on them, their partner (if they have one), and their support system while recognizing they are not alone.
We will discuss:
The physical, emotional, and financial impact of accessing care and how to navigate through your fertility journey
Coping strategies
Understanding thoughts
Explorations of feelings that include anxiety, stress, and grief.
Self-care and empowerment
Structure of routines
and more
Topics explored through:
Practitioner led inputs
Worksheets, exercises, and resources
Questions and answers
Group work and facilitated conversations between participant
Donor Conception & Surrogacy Live Workshops - Support for Your Fertility Journey
For some, the thought of donor conception, surrogacy, and adoption to build their family was one that was anticipated, and for others, it was not. Regardless, there is a complexity of thoughts and emotions that deserve to be discussed to help the intended parent(s) cope and feel better equipped for this path to parenthood.
This workshop allows the intended parent(s) to come together to explore the current and future impact associated with this special relationship.
This workshop will address:
Exploration of the journey to donor, surrogacy, and adoption
Navigating the physical, emotional, and financial impact of building your family through third-party reproduction
Acknowledgement and significance of emotional impact anxiety, stress, grief
Coping strategies, self-care and empowerment
Exploration of the impact associated with third-party reproduction in all areas of your life
What to consider when choosing an egg donor, a gestational carrier, and a surrogacy agency
How to make thoughtful, confident decisions along the way
Relationships and support systems
Topics will be explored through:
Practitioner led inputs
Worksheets, exercises, and resources
Questions and answers
Group work and facilitated conversations between participant
Recipient Parent Live Workshop - Support Your Fertility Journey
Having your child through the assistance of 3rd party reproduction can include contemplation, excitement, “cautious” optimism, and concerns. After the child is born, there is no denying the love. While each parent knows their child would not be here without them, concerns and insecurities can build over the lack of genetic connection. Parents often report feelings of anxiety at the prospects of future conversations about how the child came into the world.
This workshop allows the participant to know they are ‘not alone’ and will provide a safe place to share and gain a greater understanding of themselves, their child, and their own need.
This workshop will address:
Processing your family-building journey
Short-term and long-term considerations as you raise your child
Empowering yourself for questions and concerns that may arise when to tell your child their story
Relationships and support systems
Acknowledgement and significance of emotional impact anxiety, stress, grief
Coping strategies
Self-care and empowerment, and adoption
Accessing support emotionally, legally, and financially
Navigating the physical, emotional, and financial impact of building your family through third-party reproduction
Topics will be explored through:
Exercise and resources
Breakout sessions
Questions and answer